Love remains

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Were there no more eyes to pierce a wounded soul,
Nor hearts to heal the scars of lovers lost.
Were there no more lips to consecrate a simple kiss,
Nor passion to burn a cold, lonely night.
Were there no more words to revive blank pages,
Nor hope to rotate a world gone sad and sour.
Were there no more moments spent smiling in sunshine,
Nor thoughts conquering impressionable minds.
Were there nothing left to make a human being human,
Were we a hollowed species assimilated to the consumer mind,
I would fight the numb and the empty and the silence.
I would crawl throw the crumbled catacombs of love.
I would come to the place where you were laid to rest.
I would wipe the rusted cob webs from your tomb.
I would sweep the maggots from your remains.
I would gather up your lovely bones.
I would look at the ivory sculpture before me,
And I would still see you



Author's Notes/Comments: 

a month or so old didn't have a title

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