They call me the road

Me llaman calle
pisando baldoza
la revoltosa y tan perdida
-- Manu Chao


They call the road,
As I step down
Upon the pavement
Defiant and aimless,
Walking towards you
Inside your car.


They call me the road--
The endless road
That leads nowhere
Devoid of hope--
The road of suffering
Filled with tears,
As cars goes past me
Each day and night.


They call me the road--
As I walk this city--
Empty and tired
From so much love.


They call me the road--
I should be thankful--
I won't back down,
And that is my pride--
One day I'll know
The love of a good man--
My luck will be turning
Like the ocean tide.


They call me the road,
They always call me--
No matter the hour,
Day or night,
They call me a whore,
They call me a princess--
As I ascend and descend
Like the tide.


        June 25, 2014