If Jesus Scratched His...

If Jesus scratched his balls

In the most indecent way,

Would a thousand angels

Turn into a pack of perverts,

And would you laugh at me,

My love, and say

That humanness is something

We desire,

When cast out of the womb

Into the fire

Of all that's human,

All that is insane?

And so what if Jesus scratched

His balls? Or rubbed his ass?

Or picked his nose

And told bad jokes, burping

Or passing gas?--

Would you believe that

He was just as human

As you and I?

Or was he just a myth


And we have scorched the earth

In search of truth,

For which so many

Pointlessly died

In endless wars that spilled

The blood of youth,

Who for somebody's gods

Were crucified.

And so listen -- there are no men

Or balls, or lambs to sacrifice

For someone's sins,

There's just this empty space

And therein

There is the light,

Where darkness ends

And love begins.

August 22, 2006


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