Bring a brush,
Plastic or wooden bored,
and, a cloth.
Hang it somewhere,
Close to you,
or put it on your lab.
Choose the basics, and your background,
Before you start,
Do you see the picture?
Take a look
form the front, and the sides.
Daggle your head little by little, and slowly
if you like to make the sky touching the ocean,
See what is bigger object,
what's longer,
and higher in the colures of light
Bewitch with your brain's eyes,
Recall it,
Then give it a title
Take a look again,
How do you see it?
Do you see the interference of colors?
When you print a human face,
You can see
Men have seemlier faces like having,
A nose, ears, and eyes, and so on,
Some of them look so nice, but the others do not.
all have the same components,
variation of specifications and diminutions.
One thing you should remember,
It's only a drawing, of your own,
it might be real,
Man's science is not a part of your picture,
to have the exact souls witch might never be.
Even you study it hard
Ant be like the paint,
Don't bother your self,
Get back to the colures,
remember, it's your paint,
If you like the blue, red, green, yellow,
with, this all the reflection of your soul and mined
it's the indicator in your picture and coloring of your soul,
when the picture is going
the last touches,verify it
does it indicate what is in your soul?
Sun of Sa