Why are we questioning Opiate Replacement Medication and Naltrexone for Opioid Dependence?


A very important question that should be asked would be what medication replacement options are available for overcoming opioid addiction. A lot of questions have been raised about replacing opioid problems with the use of another medication. Visit at: www.sdrugs.com

Most of the problems faced when struggling with opioid addiction to either heroin or pain medication are almost nonexistent when struggling with smoking problems. Several Nicotine Replacement Therapies are available to help you through quitting smoking. Some of the popular treatments deemed to be effective for quitters are; nicotine gum, nasal spray, lozenge, nicotine patch and other available medication.

These available medication are sometimes covered by your insurance company and a lot of other available means of quitting like the nicotine patch, nicotine gum or lozenges are very easy to come by and are quite cheap. Whereas getting Opiate Replacement Medication has proven to be quite difficult.

Most Opiate Replacement Medication would likely not be covered by your insurance company and are very expensive to purchase. Another problem is getting a doctor willing to prescribe these medications or getting a place to purchase them.

Several fringe benefits are even available for those willing to quit smoking. Some states provide hot-lines for quitters where you can get replacement options and some free nicotine patches.

There are several Food and Drug Administration approved treatment for opioid addiction which are backed up with evidences of their effectiveness. These treatment options ensure long term recovery and reduces the rate of overdose. Despite these available treatment that can be trusted, there are a lot of reservations by people including doctors in recommending the treatment just because it seems like you are replacing one drug addiction with another drug.

A lot of doctors have not been brought up to date about the effectiveness of Opiate Replacement Medication and this has increased the likelihood of not offering these medication as a treatment method for opioid dependence. Some medical care practitioners would likely advice against them and create a negative outlook to Opiate Replacement Medication.

Dependence on Opioids has led to overdose which has become a leading cause of death of people younger than fifty years and continues to rise each year. The increase of opioid addiction in the country is quite alarming and addiction is not only limited to the young but can extend to seniors who are most likely getting opioid prescriptions to treat pain related conditions.

Finally, with quite a large number of Nicotine Replacement Therapies available to help combat smoking addiction, creating a general awareness and training for the use of Opiate Replacement Medication should be widely embraced. The number of people on pain medications continually increase and with it the possibility of addiction. Getting access to these mode of treatment, for example; injections which reduces use by blocking the effect of opiates, will help in significantly reducing opioids addicts. Not only should doctors be ready to provide suitable advice for these treatment methods, insurance companies should also have plans that cover such medications.

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