To the Estes family


All of you knew him

And yet you did nothing

Nothing to stop him

You knew what he was capable of

But protecting me, and my sister, even my mother

Would mean that you would have to admit the past

So rather then protect two innocent children

You protected your past for fear it might cause you some pain

For fear you might have to admit what happened

Admit your sins

Admit your nightmares

Just remember justice always prevails

Was is right for a 2 year old to have an STD

So that you can protect you past

Was is right for a woman to feel nauseous every time she is touched by a man

Was is right for a child to not have any happy memories

Was it right for a wife to be abused by her husband

And you stood up for him

Lied- (How Christian is that?)

And caused permanent psychological damage to a toddler

You are just as guilty

You could have prevented it

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