What is wrong with me?
How can this be?
Why do I feel so guilty?
His opinion of me blows me away
I want to stay
but I feel so dismayed
He holds me high
in his eyes I shine bright
But I am repulsive
I cannot be dismissive
for all that he is
I'm not worthy of this
I look and see..
attracted I'll be
so please kill me
Make me blind
take away my mind
You are too kind
I don't want to see
I just want to be
be with you
Its so new
and I don't know what to do
This guilt kills me
I feel it constantly
Telling me..
of all that I am
and all that I'm not
Please leave me here to rot
rot in my inability
of my inequality
I am faulty
to you I am amazing
with truth your words ring
but I have nothing
My feelings don't match up
so please give up
I don't want to hurt you
this much is true
What am I to do?
With how I see you..
and how you see me..
Please, someone, answer me!
How can this be?
He is so amazing
but I feel guilt's sting
"You don't like him enough"
"You are unworthy of his love"
"What is wrong with you?"
"What will you do?"
"Noticing men.."
"When you have him."
What is wrong with me?
Someone please...
Kill me