Rise and fall and then we fly

Did it really matter? You writing those letters with nothing but anger, did it make you feel better? Did you rise from depression or still feel pathetic? I've written some too for the world to interpret, be careful when fishing if bait is your hatred, be careful if wishing cause others might take it and change it to something they cannot explain, been tortured and tortured live with ptsd, the war that we fought it was not overseas it was here in the streets, so many weapons and plenty of machetes and bullets, bodies getting chopped up and then carried in buckets, tied down to a chair and feeling my flesh burning if I'm around too many people I feel like their gunning for me a dangerous situation, orders and confirmation, I'm scared to show my hatred to people that don't deserve it, vengeance already claimed it but visions constantly haunt me, always fighting my anger it will not take over, love is a miracle that's one thing I know, destroy the whole world what the hell for? I pray for the people pray that children grow, no more to say everything has been told.

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