The Missing Uncrossed Presence


a day later and reconstruct
from tiger tracks that grey matter labyrinth...

all my open distinctions, mine
thrown forward upon some hard future
a foggy cloud of equations
describing my modus operandi

wave functions collapsing
but only here, there
this light is the detritus outcome

there again, some not-I
suspects that you and I exist
here, but still a there to him

even so with I to me
harken by to figment of persistence
an identity, more like a matrices
of common experiences
conglomerating in local time
in local space, funny that

with local concerns
and vocal, oh so vocal

enough to believe it whole
but mote
she wrote
that absence has me by the throat
all airiness and vacuum he moved by absolutely!

as above so below
but if there is nothing up there
the same obtains down here, only moreso
since we have the additional signifier
of the maw that drives it's own tail which chooses not to be eaten.

Not today at any rate.

And after the flames are stoked
the phoenix departed, the mandarins descend
with their carpet bags and innuendo.
To build you up, we must tear you down
no matter that we rebuild to our design,

And this each moment in my soul
the distinctions I claimed
open, crossed, and unknowing cloud
that is a pain out there I placed
but still call mine.

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