Doubt, Or Solipsism In A Bad Chinese Restaurant


My hand takes hold of the door knob...

I am running every moment
To try to catch up with what I believe
Reaching for an elusive balance

Leaving behind what I thought for

More like I just came into Being,
With a memory of that before
But, though not false
Not true either

Going forward, always
Even when I might wish
To remain
Take stock

How to know myself, or the World
With out that still point?

Vibrations upon vibrations-
Signs of all this energy, but
How to grasp it?

Territory dictates the journey
But not the trip, so
What quantities, qualities
Ascribe to me-
Let me gather them
Polish and shine
Them up on a blank wall

But I am that blank wall!

And all this I can say
Is only potential
Somehow I have to walk out of the picture
And make the World
Confront itself,
In me.

So again the door...

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