18-Where, Why and Will...

Where are those lips,

Which should be touching mine?

where is that kiss,

So warm and kind?

Where is the light,

When I'm suround with darkness?

Where is the night,

When I want to cry?

Where are you which lives,

Only in my dreams?

Which I wait for every night,

Just to be able to calmly wait for the light,

Painless life,

Now when I feel pain,


Now when I need a rain?

Why does my happiness,

Live so far away?

Why is it night for me,

When for you it's sunny day?

Why two of us,

Can't be together?

It's not like between us

Are earth and heaven.

Only countrys,rivers,

Few miles of open sea,

Your boyfriend and maybe something else

Which isn't important to you nor to me.

Why can't I say

What I feel for you?

It's not like you're bite,

Or make me a fool.

That already I am,

When I've let myself,

To fall

In love with you.

At least call my name once,

If you even remember how I'm called.

At least remember me once,

I'm not asking for more.

Wish that I was there,

As a friend,

Or anything else

You need me to be.

Wish that my wishes,

Would come true.

But don't wish for me,

To lose my love for you.

Sometimes I wonder,

Will we ever meet?

And if we do,

What shall I say to thee?

Will I be able,

To hug you tight?

Will I be able,

To speak with you all night?

Will you want to hug me,

And share your toughts with me?

Or will you look trough me,

And say:

"Stay away from me..."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

erm... not bad for few hours of pain and 20 minutes of work...

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