A Surrender to Her Supremacy


Goddess, you appear polite, genteel

and humble. You have patience like

some allayed cat. I am beguiled by your

dazzling presence. You are rapt beautiful,

stunning, and we both know I

am no match for your sovereignties and

charm. I could never parallel or rival

your dominions, staggering strength,

and miraculous intensity. You will see me

splayed, mostly exposed whenever you                              

examine me. As it is, I feel gawps and callings

from a thousand miles gone. Yet I would

walk that distance naked in a nor’ east

blizzard to plunder a single one of your

kisses. You are “perhaps” the most

commanding and forceful woman I have

ever known. You pilfer every part of me

with your tantalizing words. I do not read

all you write, I consume and ingest it. I am

raptured and in awe of your spirit. You lure

me like a Siren’s song, and we both know I

would follow your mermaid out to sea,

swimming, until I was exhausted and left

to drown. You have me dizzy woman. My

brain is stocked with perversions; thinking,

more reality than muse … I would gladly

put my heart in front of a firing squad –

if they would blindfold me with a kerchief

you pee on. Thus, I could never be your

lover; I adulate the woman in you much

too much. I do not want to ravage

your body, I want to become it. I envy you

that much, quaking at the way you complete

me, indeed, I would exchange all of eternity

to be the underwear that embraces

your birthing canal and hips. Again, as was

petitioned before – you must release me.



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