The Beauty of Barranquilla


She was a tall, striking, honeycomb delicious senorita

from South America who was stunningly beautiful,

picturesque and glowing like a suntanned, russet skin

magnificence. A body that was tapered finer than obelisk

marble. Skin preciously pliant, inebriating as a Kahlua

and caffeine buzz, reminding me of butter milk flowing

over polished, semi-precious agates. A wonderful, striking

complexion, radiant as glassy, tan silica; amply rich

natural blush, like Columbian coffee with two creams.


Eyes dark brown, captivating to excess, demurely

tugging the tethers of my grandee soul, as I know, starring

into overindulgence can smother your etiquette via the lure

of a visually pretty woman. A priceless work of art one can

always appreciate, but never possess. Still, she enticed me

deep into my own illusion. Every responsibility vanished

beneath a static oblivion. A distinctive world of man -

mind in the gutter, where aestheticism burns bonfires

of sexual hunger that are never extinguished or die out.


Grown up lips the color of caramel, soft as heated cacao taffy,

and totally sweet … like cordial strawberry bonbons dipped

in the melt of chocolate truffles. Her breath, a hundred times

more pleasing than butterscotch, with a tongue swirly

divine on top. A chap could not handle it if she was spied licking

ice cream or lollipops. No bloke could tolerate or watch

such a pre-eminent tease, ardently waning his chauvinist

candor and bluntly snubbing every other impulse, except to

jog away swiftly as one can to find an ice cold shower.


Wearing her hair discerning and poised, falling down

a chemise styled blouse to a curved waist, looking more

like a Sashay model, dancing a Flamingo when it rubbed across

the back of those princess pampered shoulders - during

walks to the lady’s room. Oh, to be a mirror, silently perched

upon those walls. Earlier I popped full saucer eyed as she came

strolling by, giving her long tresses a buoyant flip, reminding

me of murmuring zephyrs playing with a weeping willow tree;

choreographed intimacies that will drive your scalded senses wild.


Voice of an angel, dreamy and meditative as a Tibetan

chant, a mantra of exultation that would draw armies to her

rescue if she was harassed. Her smiles were totally feminine; my

deity of Amor how I envy a woman’s power to thaw you quicker

than frozen snow on the equator. Ebullient flirtations leaving you

viscous and wet, near partially insane, like a mermaid mirage

refusing to be passionate with you when shipwrecked, and stranded,

with no chance of rescue on a deserted, Caribbean island. Feeling

helpless as your firm shaft rejecting touch from your own fingers.


Porcelain smooth digits that could bare and stroke you with more

revolutions per minute than a revved, turbine engine. Although

a lady with such delicate fingers applied could always drain your energy

faster than a single battery powering a lighthouse all night. Liliaceous

perfume beating olfactory senses so hard that you want to stuff

every scent of her mind-blowing body into your snout. Imagination

sits proposing an exchange of champagne and roses for her salted

hollows and caviar. However, nothing you can do will bring to reality

you making love, or sleeping with this Spanish woman tonight.


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