Gamblers Lament

It all started out as a bit of fun
But it got serious quick when I lost a ton
A bit of a punt seemed ok at the time
But it wasn’t ok when I was left without a dime


It creeps in slowly as a bit of a pass time
It ends up an all-consuming secret like some horrible crime
Something so innocuous has now ruined my life
The only things yet to lose my kids and my wife


They too may soon be gone like all of my money
Lost everything on a game of chance now isn’t that funny
Stuck in a position from which I can never recover
Why didn’t that last team make the cover?


If it’s not that team it’s the one before that
The best pick in the world can turn into the worst at the drop of a hat
When you play the game you can never win
You might stay ahead for a while but inevitably lose your skin


Because the shirt off your back just isn’t enough
When you are truly hooked on the gambling stuff
You’ll beg, borrow and steal just to get on
And be left to lament when all of it is gone


For you’ll sit and wonder just like me
What might have been if I hadn’t paid such a hefty fee
The loss of everything that I held dear
Only after you lose it all do things become clear


While you’re still at it you’ll think it’s ok
To blow all of your money until next pay day
On something so trivial as a sports bet
When you get swept up it is so easy to forget



That there are people who rely on you to put food on their plate
So I hope other can learn before it’s too late
That there are no winners when it comes to bets
Only a broken life and that’s filed with regrets

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