There are some crimes that go unreported and others you can’t even report.

Like murder upon the heart, spirit, mind and body.

Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of one human being by another with premeditated malice.

I was and am murdered.

First my spirit was killed by persons showing me that if I stand up for myself against persons and things that harm me then I am portrayed to be wrong and killed.

Killed next was my heart.

I trusted and loved.

I would’ve done anything for my husband yet he did anything with other women.

My body next from that same husband who killed me and our children from the inside out.  His knowingly and malicious act of giving a disease to us because he didn’t care causing our children to die from the disease and me to fight for my life daily.

My mind on the list. Medications that keep me “going” helping me to find “balance” in this life where I’ve been and am murdered.

There are some crimes that go unreported and other you can’t even report.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was written in a moment to deal with loss and anger regarding things in my life.

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