I used to listen to you when you say that you will never get an apology from your first wife and how she treated you wrong.

I used to listen to you say how Edie was telling me lies about you. In fact how you and she were dishonest with me about you being just “friends, roommates, your mentor”, only to find out that you were lovers and it never stopped even after we got married.

I used to listen to you when you said how much you loved me, that I was pregnant and you going to be a daddy. Only to see you become an absentee father and deadbeat dad. Abandoning us over chasing other women and the need of not wanting to take responsibility like real men do.

I used to listen to you when you say you’d never hurt me, never cheat on me, never lie to or abuse me. Only to show me your true colors of doing all those things and more to include leaving us with a death sentence.

I used to listen to you say so much.

I used to wish to find a reason to believe.

Now I don’t believe anything that you used to say or even say anymore. I choose to trust me and my god given right to protect me and mine by any and all mean necessary.

I accept our freedom and rejoice for it is truly over and I, we will and are doing just fine without you!!!!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sometimes it takes things that you go through to know the creator takes you through them.

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