It is like breathing the moment you have your twin flame.

Life goes a little bit slower as the world spins a little bit faster.

Eyes are shut to the outside.

Pictures are but dots on life’s pages.

Trust and faith renewed as the fresh morning dew

And two as one are all that seem to matter.

Simplicity shows up the complexity of the ages

While silent thunderstorms encompass our emotions.

Running our souls like a rampaging bull in an antique china cabinet.

Yet in that moment when you look into the eyes of your soul mate, twin flame and you know the creator created you for each other. It is earth, wind, fire water and air all in one.

That is what it feels like to have found the other part of your soul, the twin flame that burns through until the end of eternity.

Never going out, never dimming, and never ending for the rest of your days.

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