I have loved it for quite a while.

I was born with it and it will be with me until I die.

It is my blessing and my curse.

My love and my hate.

Yet today I got reacquainted with it.

I looked at it and how I had been feeling.

Deserted, desperate, homeless.

Ugly, unattractive although I am loved.

My love gave me the idea.

It was something I hadn’t done in a while because

I had two ex girlfriends who hated it being cleaned.

Yet me myself I love a clean pussy.  My clean pussy.

I used to go to spas and have it done.

A cleansing, purification of my once hairy self.

I had one girlfriend tell me that she hated a clean pussy due to the fact

That she felt like she was raping someone and another tell me it made her feel like she was with a child.

So I let my hair grow, me being from a spa generation of enjoying my spa days.

My love, first love of all my lifetimes said to me.

Honey, if it makes you happy, I’m okay with it.

I realized then like me, she loves a clean pussy.

So today I took a long shower and cleaned up my once hairy self.

Looking at what I had missed for a few years I had to touch it.

It looked so good, like it just needed a tongue to go deep inside it or fingers to dwell within.

I felt like me again, the writer, lover, friend, beautiful person who hid behind the hair.

It was freedom having me back again, that part of my self.

A cleansing had occurred not just on the outside, but in.

My cleaned pussy helped me to find me again.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The freedom I fought for is not just yours, but mine.

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