It started again the drama, I need if you will I,I,I if, if, if. I'm moving to Missouri and it's your entire fault. I knew this was over 2 months ago but didn't say anything. If you do this for me I'll leave you alone. I was so full of anger I couldn’t even cry. Then came the requests may I keep the monitor, the keyboard, the mouse. In my anger and just wanting it to be over I said fine keep my monitor, mouse, keyboard, but get your own damn batteries for them. I received the text back. Why are you so mad? My response quick and emotional. I’m not mad just tired of all the drama. My friend M has an ex that put her through emotional drama of hell also.  I have come to the conclusion that I finally understand what it feels like when someone ends a relationship and one of the persons doesn’t let go. Of course I also believe in some cases you can be friends, but then again I’ve been the person holding on to just be friends and then cut off to the quick with no explanation. Only to get to a point where you say okay I can’t get a friendship from this I must let go then to be stomped on with a powerful fu. Needless to say…relationships are not my forte.  However I am not into stalkers either and despise drama. Still life goes on as others say or as I’ve been known to say life is life.  Too bad I’ve had that used against me before. Well with all that I say OMG the drama is weighing me down, and today I want no need to be light on my feet.

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