Every now and then I think about it and it instantly becomes too heavy. This ring that is on my finger that states to the world that I am married.

On one side I have this person who asked in my moment of loneliness, and I accepted willingly thinking favorable conditions for a lifetime.

On the other hand not so clear, just doctors telling me that I should end my marriage that is causing me more stress than help.

Anger at actions and excuses made by my spouse.  My doctor stated to me today. “She says she wants me to break a military privacy act of information, because of her own doubt, if she doesn’t trust you then why did she ask you to marry her.”

All of this stuff making my ring finger feel too heavy, like a boulder I’m trying to push, but making no headway.  My doctor over the fact that my spouse says that her doubt comes from my ex-boyfriend, but that she brought up the same issue before the incident happened, floors me, leaves me to wonder why.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just stuff for the book comes out August 2004

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