I’m not good at this letting down easy.

I don’t do the dependant on me all the time thing.

It’s all too much for me to support myself and my family.

Letting down easy is like the song the hardest thing I ever have to do.

Knowing those tears will cry up, depression will set in, but I needed my freedom.

Letting down easy I swallowed my pride.

I took and deep breath and did it.

Told the person who had attached themself to me at the hip that although they were very special that I couldn’t be their spouse anymore.

It was easier than me saying you know I don’t deal with whiny baby types who attach themselves to strong women just to feel better about themselves. I’m too independent to handle your co-dependency.

So here I go again letting down easy, holding things in, not saying what really needs to be said, adding stress to my already stressful lifestyle. Walking away, but living my life.

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