Four to go and like a woman on a mission I am here.

Here, fighting back tears of disappointment.

Tears of despair.

Four to go and I am drawing what at times feels like my last breath,

But just my heart is beating so hard, and my fingers typing so fast that in my mind suddenly I understand why I have always said that words have power.

Four to go and the phone is silent, my friends sense it.

Headline reading “ writer on a rampage finishing up her first major book”.

Putting all things on hold except the very part of her that draws from the spirit.

Four to go and getting tired but pushing through the almost falling asleep, tiredness, and back pain because it really has to get done.

Four to go and thinking of all the things I need to go done feeling like any moment I will slump over the computer and just hit the keys in exhaustion from taking my soul and putting it into this major dream that will soon be a reality.

Four to go and knowing the screen keeps looking smaller, and keys are getting harder to push down, but have to, got to do this. It has taken all my life to get to this moment.

Four to go, but I keep feeling the intention and anger of someone not understanding how much this moment really means to me.

Four to go…

Author's Notes/Comments: 

working on my book and jsut needing to do the last few poems you relaize that there is an awesome difference between talent and work, but there are monets that the combination is powerful.

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