Angry words hurled at you, your manhood, your love, your sexuality, your hate , your values, your decisions.

Yet you stood there, anger built up on the inside, hurting over the pain of leaving but knowing you had to go.

I understand your quietness now.

Someone attacking or attacks you. And you stand still because at the end of the day you know who and what you are, what you have, what you don’t have.

I understand your quietness now.

It is a peace you have within you that says if I say something it brings me to their level. I know they are strong when they tell me I am weak. I’ve been through other trials I’ll make it through this.

Like the saying of “ If you have to tell a people you’re a nice person, or so perfect and everyone is wrong but. you, and not give them the opportunity to find out, then most people realize you’re howling at the wind.” As my favorite writer Shakespeare once said “me thinks thou proestesth too much”.

I now understand your quietness.

Your drawing from that inner strength, inner person who knows you as you, not what people say, do, or feel, but you, it’s when you develop the tough skin that says at this point I don’t care, or whatever.

When others are yelling the sky is falling but you know nothing is really happening.

I understand your quietness.

Tears, depression, pain knowing that someone is trying to destroy you. Knowing anger is their motivation, their reputation is ruined so why not start on yours.

I understand your quietness.

For years I never understood, but now as I go through this experience.

I understand your quietness.

I truly understand the power of silence and understand your quietness, because I share it too.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

to my ex Trent who has taught me more with distance about friendship and realtionships than during the years we were together.  Thank and now I understand your quietness.

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