Today I looked over the situation that occurred and thought about it.

Thought about the words, the denial, the pain, the truth, the lies, then realized that I as a Christian and as a parent have been issued a parental challenge.

I have been challenged by my children and my faith to stand on our family statement that says we are a Christ-centered family.

It isn’t enough to just say the words.  I can’t tell our daughter that she needs to forgive others when I cannot forgive others myself.

What example am I showing our children when I cannot forgive?  I need to get the point across to show that the words mean something.  That giving forgiveness is not being gullible, naïve or not standing up for one’s self, but being the better person. It says that I may not condone your actions, but you did them and I forgive you.

Lately I’ve had to accept this parental challenge this time to say that I can forgive. I do forgive. I hold no bitterness or ill will because I can’t risk it nor take a chance with my soul or the souls of my family, my children, and my spouse.

I refuse to let this continually eat me alive everyday for the rest of my life because in the end when someone has wronged you, even if they don’t accept your apology they are not staying up nights worrying about it, rather it is like when a lawyer says something that is not apart of a case and the judges rules to strike it from the record.  It may get taken from the record, but not from the jurors mind.

So today I took it upon my soul and to my Savior to accept this parental challenge brought forth to me and say.  I forgive.  My conscious is clear I did not condone the actions, but you have a soul and how could I call myself a Christian and not accept that.

I accept this call to arms, this challenge at my emotions, my faith, my heart, and can say forgiving makes me stronger not weaker and closer to my creator. For I would be nothing, if my Creator had not and would not have forgiven me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm learning that as a christian paretn life is not easy to be an example to our children, but we must try.

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