Like the song says love don’t live here anymore.

Love were moments I trusted , cared, believed, but like another  song says still I look to find a reason to believe.

Reason to believe that all the information I received regarding the things you said were truthful that when you said you’d just let it go if I left was true, but no not you.  Spent months ruining my life and now when I break away to get it back you can’t let go.

I am not like some other people who are intimated by your make everyone wrong moves. I did what was best for me, and what was best for my health, because I will not allow you to do to me what you did to someone else.  I will not allow you to make me have another breakdown due to your mess.

Love don’t live here anymore because of you not me. Quit trying to chase me down, the noose not longer is fit to be tied around my neck.

Love don’t live here anymore, but with a love or friendship like that I don’t need any enemies. As the saying goes. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I don’t need nor want you close.  I just want you to leave me alone and quit giving people my persoanl information without my permission.

Love don’t live here anymore.  It is dead to me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Words have power and thank goodness i have a great editor who enjoys my words.

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