Is It

Is it or isn't it,

well let me see,

actions speak the words,

hey yall, me to, the we are free;

dude one can slice er up real fine,

this is cyber time,

get your digital signature, smooch, pin,

before the entire earth copies your dime;


Cyber Cined in twenty sixteen,

photos you took to a poem bulging at the seams,

waiting, oh there is no line,

it's your hard work, ya know what I mean,

be digitally smooched with AngieBabyCyberSmoochProductions2016 team;


Take a picture of me,

one of my dog,

it is yours, right,

be digital before you blog;

don't be left behind while the other parts claim your spot, your log,

you wrote it, right,

if they even get close~their cybering asses will be noted in a court line;


Cyber Cined in twenty sixteen,

no need to post just half your work now, be on the right team,

ya know what I mean;

we aren't at recess as weeza rock-in some cyber bling,

you wanted, y'all gotta, bro, dude, satellite dish,

cyber cine the Copywrite is a twenty sixteen thing.


CyberCined by Angie(ha, Pin Name!)



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sign your digital pin name and let Cybercine2016 handle the coordence of the thief or hacker.

Let ABCS2016 salt the bass terds2016...

Freedom Rocks2016.

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