The never ending silence between our hearts.

As I walk through the empty streets, my heart fills with love and pain and hurt,

Always wondering if I choose the right path to go down, should it hurt this much?

All I know is that I could have had everything, a better life than this,

He shouldn’t be allowed to make me suffer the way he does.

You can see that my bruises aren’t just on the surface, but deep down,

He says he cares about me yet I don’t understand why he keeps beating me down.

The way you look at me, you know deep down you want to help me,

You’re just scared to try and help because you know he will hurt me for it,

Help me please; I can’t get away from him unless I have your help,

All I can do is watch her waste her life away with him, she used to love him,

Now she is trying to move on, he wont let her leave, she’s trapped,

Whenever I see her all I want to do is to wrap her up in my arms,

To let her know that this bad day is going to end,

I know deep down what it is that I have to do to rescue her,

Throughout all of the day and night she is always on my mind, in my heart

I just wish that finally she could become part of my life.

As the day draws to an end, for one last time, as I walk through the door,

Deep in my heart and always in my mind I’m hoping,

Wishing with every last breathe that he will arrive to save me,

As the door swung shut behind me, head held high I walked in the room,

He stood up as regular as clockwork, raised his fist to me and bellowed loudly,

Where have you been, you little tramp, you’ve been with him again,

Again and again, all I could see was the blood stained floor,

Until, once more he raised his hand yet it was stopped,

My knight in shinning armour had come to rescue me,

He stood over him and warned him to never again come near me,

Just then he lunged towards me, my kind knight and gentle prince,

Threw him against the wall, winded him, beat him down,

Then said if you know what’s best for you then don’t get up, ever.

That was the last I ever heard from him, forever grateful,

That never again could he darken my doorway and beat me down,

Thank you my gentle prince and knight in shinning armour,

I will never forget what you have done for me,

For we may now live together,

Just how it was meant to be.

The never ending silence between our hearts.

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