True Loves Lost.

Can you really live the dream?.

This one question has been running through my mind,

As I fall asleep at night and when I wake in the morning,

I can't help but thinking am I a step closer.

All my life I have been told :

"If you want something enough, you will do everything you can to get it".

So therefore I believe everything and anything is possible

when you really put all your heart and soul into getting it.

Yet when it comes to matters of the heart,

It's not all that simple anymore.

Love can be a very complicated matter,

and you cannot find love, go in search of your dream guy,

it just doesn't work that way, no matter where you go,

how hard you try, the timing is never right.

You can sit down and hope, wish and dream all you can,

put your everything into wanting a perfect guy.

BUT when it comes down to it

there is no mystery

no reason or ryhme

not a moment in time

not you or I can see

when she saw him

and he saw her

eye contact

now it's clear

no matter how

hard you try

when and where

who and why

dont matter....................

For The Key To It All Is:

Love Finds You. x x x

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