let me paint smoke and blood
vendetta's and execution's
witness the angel or stand with the devil himself
she slept with devil's
but not by choice but by forcing chains
the lust for blood or for control
these are remarkably visibly clear
let me show you the devil in mirrors
a humble yet terrible
a worker yet slaughterer
married but raping
a hero yet cast as the bloodiest villain
emotions now removed
executions visualized inside
who i am
is not what i am
and if you fallow who then you miss what i am
wisdom fallows the functions of what i am
a motived missed in vain
seen by angels yet disguised as the devil himself
attracting other demonic villains as myself
showing humility but though no mercy for my own kind
but missing death
life a misleading fact of misleading fate
lying fates dismembering love,today we know this as hate
i have no certain fate
visualation of raping her
villains demonic hordes of promising blood
why and will?
are not the focus
but how
how they were vanquished
how they were dismembered in blood
maybe fate done by hate?
she was vivified
protected by bloody smoke and a hatter's blade