My Love Is The Most Handsome Guy

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Handsome, Handsome, Handsome
Caressing, touching, loving
Caressing my inner desire
Making my heart melt
Aii I can feel is those caresses
Hidden man echo my delight
Triumphing in your glory
Breathing hot against your skin
Scents so sweet covering my pleasure
An untamed rhythm,
Capping the salty waves
With such deep and desperate kisses
The vibrant warmth of my voice
The music of your strong hands
How profound, your husky laugh
Moving slowly through your days quiet
Still and silent
Pulling me unto you
Lost within your daring eyes
My fingers trace your back
Define your cheeks
Exalt in your brows and ears
With my face pressed against your neck
Your hair teasing me
Finally, here it is, finally
Your lashes drop as you hold me
Stable and precious in like
And you make me feel so
Handsome, Handsome, Handsome

Title Comments Views Updated Posted
1 Sweet Dreams 419 2011/08/29 13 years ago
2 This May Be The Final Good bye 2 464 2011/08/29 13 years ago
3 One Glance 535 2011/08/29 13 years ago