(rp char) Kimpa

Kimpa is a rather unusual being. She stands about 12 feet tall and, excluding her tail, is about 18 feet long. She is a roo taur.

She has four legs, very powerful, each one is made for jumping so she does not run, but bounds along. Like all female roos she has a pouch, but because of her tauric nature she has two pouches, a smaller one below her anthro part and a larger one on her underside nearer to her set of genitals. Her long and powerful tail is strong enough to let her stand up on her hind legs, and she can even box with it using all four legs if needed.

Like most roos though unless startled or openly confrounted she is docile and passive. She eats only plant matter (non pred vore char) but does enjoy experimenting once in a while in other ways.

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