About this folder (Please Read First) (Definitions enclosed)

This folder will contain stories and teasers that are extremely sexual in nature, may be illegal or dangerouse to try, or just may be plain wrong.

All items in this folder are pure fantacy and do not reflect, pantamime, or symbolise anything the writer has done in real life.

Flaming will be reported.

ADDED 3-18 All works in this folder are subject to changes and reprints, please check back from time to time and look for new things. Comments are welcomed and most will get a reply. PLEASE ask before you distribute any of this work, I want to limit exposure till I have more writen here. Thankyou for respecting my wishes.


(NOTE: definitions here are loose and may be inacurate, but are the ones I am going by. I will add/change as needed)

Body Modification: A general term used to signify any change to a subject, may be as simple as peircings or as complicated as adding a tail and three sets of breasts.

Bondage: The act of tieing a subject up or restraining them in some way. Does not have to be physical.

Conjionment: The binding or fusing of two subjects so that they become one being, may be temporary or perminate. (Ex: Laying two people side by side then tieing the arms and legs together so they can not come apart from eachother)

Dismemberment: The removal or parts of a body from the rest, or may go as far as taking the entire body apart.

Dom: The charecter that is in charge of the scene

Sub: The charecter who is being subjected to the whims of the Dom

Unbirthing: The act of taking a being or creature into ones sexual organs by way of a sexual hole

>>Normal(female Dom) The sub starts on the outside of the Dom then by some means the Dom starts to push the sub into the nether opening which stretches to engolf the sub until eventually the sub ends up in the womb of the dom.

>>Cock Vore

A) Vore using the male genitals instead of a mouth to ingest an object.

B) Unbirthing by way of the penis in which the subject is taken down the shaft and evetually trapped withing the sack of the male (may not be anatomically correct)

Vore: The eating of a being or creature in a sexual setting

Author's Notes/Comments: 

last modified march 2004

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