

a doll, a doll, a toy of parts and peices

that is all i am, that is all i ever will be

a doll for some one who has a remote

no truer life shall i be

i'm nothing on my own, just metal and some plastic

a doll, a hallow doll

nothing but some toy

what happens when my batteries run low, they sell me or replace them

never sleeping never dreaming

a cold unfeeling doll.

and now, i can not even do that right.

i'm not even good enough to be a robot

let my bateries die, let me be swallowed by the void

there is little here to be for, but her.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this was brought on by an rp, i have not lied, i will not lie, but it is true in a way, i will be fine no matter what, as long as the other person is happy.

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