love sick

there is a need inside of me to find love.

It is burning. It makes me ache

I was so badly to fall into someone’s arms and finally feel like I am at home

I want a love that is so strong it makes the lights burn out in every city

I then want that love to light up the whole house

I was kissing them to be what breathes life into me and sucks it away all at once

I crave feeling so full that I must share it with somebody

I think it is a problem. I am sick.

I am love sick and love starved all at once.

I actively search for love and find myself falling for subpar partners

I fall for the petty compliments and fall in love with the way their hands fall into my pants so smoothly

I am sick. i am sick of being told that the way a man touches you is equivalent to telling you he loves you

I am starved of actual love and full of the lust they are trying to pass off for it


I am in desperate need to be taught what love truly is but how am I supposed to know if it is not another lie

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