Another Day

Just another day, like any other day,

You made me laugh and you made me smile.

Just like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that.

Just another day, like any other day,

You made me frown and you made me pout.

Just like a week ago, and a month ago, and the month before that.

Just another day, like any other day,

You dont seem to understand that you cause my hair to turn gray.

Just like the first day I met you, the second day I met you, and the many days after that.

Just another day, like any other day,

I bowed my head and sighed then looked the other way.

So that you wouldnt see, the anger, the disappointment, the tears that have been held inside for so long.

This happens everyday, just like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that...

It is just another day.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to someone, the dense head that will never understand.

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