We'll never see the sun
We'll never feel its warmth
We'll never know the fun
We'll never know its worth
We'll be waiting
Though we won't know it
We'll go outside
But we'll never get to taste it
We'll don summertime clothes
Though we won't get the full effect
We'll run through the sprinklers
Though we won't really get wet
We'll never see the sun
Though we'll be right under it
We'll never laugh for fun
Though it might seem like it
No, our laughter stems from the warmth of a heat lamp
A fraud, a fake, an illusion
We'll never see the sun
We'll never feel its warmth
We'll never know the fun
We'll never know its worth
We'll always be right here
Underneath a ceiling, away from the sun
Totally safe, forever secure
Always pale, never burnt
Never, ever, worrying
Free to shiver, free to laugh
Free to hallucinate in the darkness