Four 'O Clock

At four 'o clock every day

I sit and I wait

For a chance to say, "hey."

When the day finally came

I saw you, I sprang

Upwards to my feet

I dashed

Ran til I got to

The better part

Of you

That's then that I knew

I'd never see you Again

This meet was the end

The end of us being friends

And it all had depended

On me making the peace

But I never put together

That in all the bad weather

When you came to see me

You're mind was pre-de-terminated

To in the end be boy free

And then I sobbed.

So hey, I figured I might

As well make this time count

I stared at your chest

That's when you slapped me and went

I never saw you again

I never saw you again

I never saw you again

I never saw you again

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