Everyone said we'd never make it
Turns out we made forever and a day
When I couldn't stand, you grabbed my hand
And we, stood tall and within reach
Being there with you
It's the only feeling even worth a damn
You put up a fight
You latched onto my throat that night
You said you'd beat my ass
(And I liked it.)
When we're ever out of sight
My heart beats hard, and I can barely sleep at night
And Jesus Christ can't hold a candle to my plight
That I'm leading in the search
For you
So despite everybody's words
We're both still here, and we're both happy
The drugs, these drinks, the front row seats
Are saved for us, for keeps
Everyone said we'd never even make it
But here both we are, we're both pacing it
And when the sun goes down we'll both make love
And it'll be just like we planned it