Soma is Seven (a poem)

My whole absolute heart belongs to this little dude who

Doesn't ask for much but a walk and a dried chicken meat jerky treat

He certainly is the apple of my eye, this little guy

Who lets out a sigh when I say "not this time"

Or a proud growl when I ask, "car ride?"


Today he's seven years (seven years!) part of my life,

(Save 3 months for proper puppy parenting procedure

(Socialization skills, supplemental nourishment, etc.))

And I can't imagine it without him.

What a glimmer in my eye, what a shimmer in my smile

When small Soma walks in and meets mine

Little Guy, Little Guy!


My best friend for life

Could not have turned out right 

Without my partner in crime

Thank you Shelby.

My little gentle man, hims hambone

Soma Roma

Roma Tomato

Soma Ruby

Ruby Roo

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