Child On His Breath


He said it smells like children,

And there's child on his breath,

And though she tries to fight it,

She only can invest.

But in a faded moment,

The story has all but ended.

Hidden in a hundred years,

Swallowed and descended.

He said you taste like heaven,

Where god is all but here,

And in this faded moment,

She tries to disappear.

This world, it smells like children,

The predators surround,

And quietly claim their victims,

That cannot make a sound.

She said you smell like children,

And this he quickly denied,

Her eyebrows raised, she turns her head,

And just like her, they died.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by my hollowed heart, and the feeling I get in my stomach everytime I hear "Prison Sex" by Tool.  It's a sad, sick world.  But I had to give this poem a name, so you would expect exactly what you get.
Currently this poem is under revisions. Just a new project I am working on with another poet on this postpoems site, who's insight and opinion i value very much. Zawadi X, thank you for the challenge.

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