The white horse.

The white horse & The black snake.

Daniela G. & Andrés M.

Since the beginning the gods created The white horse (strong, noble and free) and the black snake (sneaky, slow and cautious) to be together forever, there was no night and day, they lived in harmony together. After some time being together they realized that they didn’t had much in common, so they thought that maybe they were not meant to be together. They talked about it and decided to go on different ways; thus the day and night were made.


They went on opposite sides of the Earth, but never able to forget each other. They missed each other, but none of them would go back. Each year their hearts became a little harder and bitter, they became lonelier. Even though they knew they were happier together, as a team, their pride kept them apart. Every day, at the end of the day and the start of the night, they knew that they could bump into each other and maybe make peace, but as it was said, none of them would, and with the passing of time, those ideas began to disappear from their minds.


Meanwhile the other animals that once were together with the horse and snake began to separate as well. Once the animals separated into opposite sides, the Earth started to separate as well, the clouds in the sky split up and so did the land and seas. Earth started to separate each time further and one day, it finally came apart. Everything was broken and there was no way back. The only thing left was the horse and the snake, floating through the vast universe. This was the moment they both realized that, for their foolish actions, they had destroyed their family, their home and everything that ever mattered to them. Their regret was infinite, but there was no way out.


Some time after, the gods finally decided to talk to them, but it was no good news. The horse and the snake thought that they would be given an earth again where they could repair their mistakes and make a good life for everyone in it. Despite these hopeful thoughts, they were announced that they would continue on for the rest of eternity, only being able to play with the stars, thus the constellations. The worst part was that they were given first row seats to the new hosts of the new earth, Adam and Eve were created.


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