David Luna
Andrea Pérez
As they opened their eyes, the animals realized that they were the only ones left on Earth. Judgement Day had passed and the animals were asking themselves “Has God forgotten about us? Doesn’t he realize that we want to be in a better place too?”
In heaven, God was listening to their complaints. He got worried that they did not understand what awaited them, so God himself descended from heaven and said to all the animals in the world “This is the paradise you’ve earned, for I have not forgotten about my non human creations. This is an Earth only for you, humans are not here anymore. Be free and enjoy life. Communicate with each other, as you will not have any obstacles to do so.”
“What to do now?” popped in everyone's minds. They all got reunited, and together they decided how to govern. “I say that we should follow human’s ways” said a snake. There was a huge uproar. How could they follow the ways of those tyrants? There was no way on Earth that they would do that. An elephant followed “I think that the snake is right. We’re not humans after all, we won’t make the same mistakes as them.” Some animals started to consider those words, as those were not the words of a deceitful snake, but those of an old and wise elephant. They could become civilised. They knew what it meant to suffer and to be enslaved by some horrid creatures, naturally animals would act different in that way. The decision was definitive: to rule the world with companionship between all species.
As the years passed, a new society was built up. Animals learned how to perform human tasks. From simple jobs to learning about science, everything was covered. There was only one rule: to not kill any other living thing. They were not human, of course they wouldn’t do such things.The whole world was now animal-friendly.
But, as only time shows the true nature of things, things weren’t as good as they were supposed to be. There were riots in the streets. The new animal kingdom now required police officers. Corruption was now a thing. They even lost the ability to communicate with each other. A cow from Mexico couldn’t speak with a mouse from Germany, and even if they could, they didn’t want to, because now they hated each other. Things went downhill really fast. How? How could have them become corrupted, just like humans? There was no way back now.
One day, with no previous advice, God came back to Earth. He was really angry. “You’ve been corrupted by the same devil as my old creation.” Said the man of the skies. “You were all supposed to live happily together. I feel deeply ashamed by your actions. As a punishment I have decided to end this world too, for thou are not worthy of it.”
And so the world ended for the second time. Corrupted by the human nature, animals couldn’t help themselves. The day came and all disappeared. The animal kingdom was doomed since they decided to follow the human’s ways, what a big mistake! God’s creation is now long since gone.