
At the beginning, it was all dark. The skies, oceans, and lands were covered entirely by the purest darkness. Many animals from all types lived disorderly because they couldn’t see each other, talk with one another, and know with whom they’re mating with. That’s how all kinds of diverse animals were created. There were few animals with night vision that took advantage of this darkness and preyed on any other animal they could see or smell. It was a huge advantage for them. One day, the “Father of All” saw this problem and started thinking about a way to solve it. The world needed something else, but what was it? How could you know about something if that thing doesn’t exist? He kept thinking for a whole year, until he realized that they needed just light. So he created it, and with it the Sun, which was supposed to give light to all living things. With the creation of light, days and nights were established and animals could move freely during the day, without worrying about being eaten. Even though things were looking better, the same story happened as before: in the night, animals with night vision still preyed upon the other animals. In order to avoid this the “Father of All” created the Moon, which gave little light during the nights. All ecosystems started to live peacefully and with harmony and the world started to become a better place to live in. It was not until one day, centuries after the creation of light, that the three elements: water, wind and earth that existed started to go crazy. This was the day that natural phenomena like tornados, tsunamis, and hurricanes came to the world. And with those three also came one that would change entirely the way the world was composed of. It was lightning. It was the purest representation of light. After the first lighting struck a tree, the fourth element was created. It looked radiant and danced beautifully among the trees, but it also contained a strong willpower. The “Father of All” was amused with all of these and decided to call it ‘Fire’. Animals in the land started to feel intimidated by this new element because, yes it brought a lot of benefits and commodities for all the living things, but with it, destruction upon the land started, so they gathered to discuss the situation, in a big council, with all the representatives of the different species.

“I will talk with ‘Father of All’ and bring back the peace that we had” said the brave lion. So he traveled far away until he met “Father of All”.

“‘Father of All’, please remove this so called fire from this universe, so we can live peacefully once again.”

“I’m sorry lion, but if I in order to remove  fire I would need to remove the very essence of light. If I do it, we would return to the old dark days.”

The lion was pissed, but he knew he could not do anything about it. Instead, to honor the lion’s bravery “Father of All” named him the king of the jungle and gave him the golden color of the sun.  He now represented the animals in the land.

Words: 540

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