The indefinable
suction cup strangling
it leads you to a place
a place, a place, a place
a grey zone
a grey murderers field
to self justifying
self satisfying
into a nomadic no man's land
and I spent too long
staring off into silence
and mumbling out a discontent
assuredly realized a place
outside of time, and outside of space
when you had to be forced
into a quiet room
a juggernaut's red baron
hide out
from knocked out from free space
its insidious white lace
surrounding the barrage
of in my own space haste
and the building blocks set up
are always meant to fall
just as prophesied
the time will come
one stone not left
standing on another
and when you understand that
throwing your hands up
in a fury
and win or lose
with God
and feel out a time space
that you know you
can never fully resolve
or the true understanding
of any action or thought
from one moment to the next
one building or falling
on another
musical notes binging into existence
and then erupting and
falling out of place
and the child's grasp
failed or achieved
existed continually
and writhed in space
space is the word
that justifies dismal wondering
and a head hanging
in lost discontented
floundering and
a perplexed frown
push push push
into a grey zone
harnessing a saddle
and grasping sanity slipping
hands slipping across smooth glass
and a ripple effect down sized
in a moments glance
the pin pricking euphoric gaze
and on and on and on
the gathering fields
set upon times on end
and avenging times immutable
color fade color fade
extenuated circumstance
brilliant fade illustrious

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