squared, triangulated
shifting light night watch haze
purely aligned acceptance
of the un-aligned
do what you're supposed to do or else
I suppose...exceptions can be made
I suppose...exceptions can be made
I boldly jutted out the mainframe spout
should be allowed to be allowed
push back hack attack
the semi permeable membrane
effects and envelopes
sworn to secrecy
mucus cold sore immune system onslaught
the value of primacy
the primacy and pertinence
of found in my own way delay delay
nay I say
acceptance is the key
played out allowance
of the stretch mark cleaner
and buffer shiner leaner
I took the monkeys paw
and made the witch doctor shaman
lap up its ruddy self inhibitions
I interfere with your pay per view
impaling enth hounding blood thirst
broken arrow
turned around
impound your
take down all around
child sickening heart breaking
tuned in allotted torture sequence
humming to the tune
of black eyed fuck over
hormonal jolt
molten queer strain
balls to the wall
hail to the feel
something for me
affect strain pulled out
respect-less hairs on end
wrapped out cloak yank down
no barrier color strain
over man safety net
stage light captivating
thankless remark
spitfire spark
knock out harness the fortuitous lark
swim within and without the shark
smart mark jealous/un-jealous
smarmy larmy
and corner the unscratched
scar what I went through
what you went through
sickening innocence captivated
my time
I'm the one who has this
I'm the one who has this
I think that I'm the only fused through
loose screw
chew schmoo loo loo
my independence split itself in two
my independence split itself in two
cleave to the strong armed
unbent terms
convalesce with toilsome worms
brought down all around
astound un-impound
project collect
project collect
feed off the child's tear drop agony
sweet essence charmer harmer
I harmed the marmalade garnish-err
and un-ingested my campfire story
stream of living acidic vomit
everyone engulf the living flame

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