whisked away by changeling spirits
bringing up heretofore clandestine merits
sequestered rhythmic rhyming sharing
explode from within the mad hatters wherewithal
pleasure burning smokescreen stream
upon a lasting mid summer nights dream
ripping open garments at the seam
dancing and glowing a perpetual gleam
round and round on the outskirts ream
splitting from within the fractured skulls steam
the ongoing mist so thick and unforgettable
leaving to conjecture other ways regrettable
the inside joke is to clear one's self of all past regrets
my inner sanctuary
so brazen it leaps and leads
and tarnishes absolution
feeding upon its nectar
driven into infamy
the seeping gaping joy
molding song
peach fuzz and dandelion springtime
transpose the living unto altars of living flesh

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