The torturers companion
commended in his various stumblings
satisfied by the stage fright accompaniment
of finished from order banterings and ravings
preyed upon indefinitely by jackals
squeezing with the maniacal pronouncements
of shareholding sordid soured stalemate
somewhere soaring desert landscape
roving paled in comparison to
the rigidity of mental shackles
for the sake of naming infinity
conjured conjectured sanctity
of shattered entanglements
given over to purely aligned vile
carriers of the totalitarian set of wavelengths
charmed into the prowler of dazed
harnessing wildfire rearing the
countenance of outwardly proclaimed
veneration of solid like endangerings
of un-mutinous minions scattered about
the frail throne of an insidious high life
bountiful in its blind eye turning away
twist point searing of the changing veering
into the never ending door way go peering

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