More and more left for dead
As the guns continue to spread
The same path stays ahead for the endless bloodshed
Schools and children prepare for deathbeds
As without change what can you expect besides seeing red
Students distraught with the violence of soon killing shots
The place of being taught changing to nothing but the sounds of gunshots and fraught
Hiding away in the closet waiting for the screams to stop
Hearing the shooter walk along the halls saying the safety word students and former ones were taught
What change can be made to schools where happiness rots
Where the same guns control the same plots
But I guess it’s good enough that the victims are in everyone’s thoughts
Asking for more is too much when trying to stop the glocks
High-schoolers dying isn’t enough to spark a change
When it comes to money, students become estranged
A coach shielding frightened teens as the bullets enter close range
The lives gone because of the “inability” to protect from something that should have longed been arranged
Is the ability to own a gun worth so much that a student must perish from someone deranged?
Actions don’t come from doing nothing, but controlling guns do come from the widespread being contained
Do something rather than doing nothing
Is there anything coming from the people we are trusting?
Hopefully new policies rushing
But all that is becoming is slumping
Becoming numbing to the political crushing
Just stay down under the table as the pain starts erupting
And wait for the never coming change to start coming