Where are you my dear?
In the kitchen or in the room
The creaks I hear let me know you are here;
Come home from work so soon?
Dinner is on the table
Yet, there is no need to rush
But my favorite show is on cable
So please do try to hush.
This morning I had the hardest time, you know
Getting dressed and such
My arms they shake worse now than ever;
My feet don’t arch so much.
By the way,
You really need to fix the bed
Its legs have become weak
And the screws rusted—dead
It wobbles back and forth
When we sleep
And I can’t res—
Are you there my dear?
I believe I heard you walking up the stairs.
By the way, some people called today
Saying they were going to pick me up soon
Where are we going my love?
I believe I can’t make it,
For I scheduled tea with the ladies, tomorrow afternoon.
Where are you my dear?
Dinner is on the table,
Yet, there’s no need to rush
But my favorite show is on cable
So please do try to hush…