The end is coming.

The world has ended, finally peace was found. There were no more shining stars falling from the sky, there were no more mountains standing, there were no more rivers flowing, neither human beings living. Where there was a breathing jungle, now there is only a gigantic elephant walking lonely through the path of destruction and suffering. He continued walking and walking, but nothing could be found, everything was lost and disorientated, and the poor elephant was starting to feel dejected. Far away from him, he saw like a miracle in the desert, an agonizing monkey, almost dead. Then the enormous animal approached the dreadful creature, which was almost in paradise, with all others from the kingdom. Once he arrived, he tried to keep the primate alive, with him, because his wisdom told him that this was the only way in which he could evade solitude for a while. The elephant gave to the ape the only water remaining in his trunk; the monkey expressed his gratitude and hope with a simple but sincere smile. After this, the elephant saw that his new and only friend was not totally recovered; the monkey was still dying and suffering, so the elephant took his friend with his long trunk, and he started walking, looking for life, for new hope. He thought that the possibility of finding a new home was possible, and also that he and his companion could be safe from the prince of darkness. Time passed as quickly as a cheetah hunting, the monkey started to convulse, and the elephant to cry, anything could be done now. The only remaining favour that the immense animal could do for the tiny death body was to leave it in the ape’s mausoleum, into the volcano. The elephant though about freeing his soul into the volcano, but then he decided that it was better to find his family, and die with them, does not matter if they were alive or not. Then while he was on his way to the place where he woke up for the first time, he started remembering about the good times that he passed with all his family and friends, in the entire trajectory he was only hallucinating, daydreaming. After a long time, he arrived to the place where all his loved were, with an elephantine smile he lay down, closed his eyes and stared to dream, not daydreaming, but dreaming for eternity.
By: Alvaro Ruiz and Mario Falcone.

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